It is now and will be until tomorrow, one of those nasty couple of days where different jobs butt up against each other, making the rest and down time seem miniscule. Though i won't complain too much, a fellow instructor told me his schedule the other day (for this week) and I almost collapsed just hearing about it.
Tuesday was mostly organization and planning for the next few days to come. I'm going to go to the ol' job on Fri evening and get some material to put my demo together (finally) so i can get it to a few people.
I also picked up Half-Life 2. It has not diappointed thus far and I suspect it will continue to please. My computer handles it considerably well and I'm impressed with the graphics, even at the settings I am using for my system, which are not the highest.
Other than that, it's been work work work. Today was class in the morning, movies in the evening. Class was excellent and I am looking forward to the following weeks with them. I have seen a lot of interest in television so that's always exciting for me.
The only deep thoughts i've had time for recently come in the form of someone else's current situation. I keep looking at my life and comparing it to other people's problems and situations and realizing that, while I may not love the things in my life quite the way they are, I am definitley not doing so bad. A rather optimistic thought from the realist, but it'll probably change tomorrow anyway.
Things i learned today:
- Meeting new people is awesome. Meeting a group of new people that is forced to listen to you for 3 hours...that's my definition of heaven.
- McDonald's food is the worst crap on the planet. That's why i went there today.
- Sometimes you need someone else to get you through it.
- When in doubt, hit something with a crowbar and see if there's magic medical supplies and random ammo inside.
"A rather optimistic thought from the realist, but it'll probably change tomorrow anyway."
hahaha that happens to me every day....naaaaah....every 5 seconds hahaha :)
p.s. by the way that was me, cait d. :)
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