Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Heart Helmets

I wish sometimes, (and i know you'll agree with me on this one) that I could get a helmet that fits my heart. If we are to believe that one person can think with three basic parts of themselves, (those parts being the brain, heart and genitalia), and we also know that 2 of those three parts can be protected, what of my heart? I'm going to invent some sort of force field helmet for my heart, make a fortune selling them to people. Believe me I know how this sounds. If my heart had any kind of protection, hell if ANY of us had any kind of protective barrier up in front of our hearts then life would be simpler, less nerve-racking. When you're around that certain someone and all you can think to do is kiss them, but you can't because of some stupid reason that seemed so good before you want to tear your hair out.

So i propose the Heart Helmet. Now go...invent it.

Things i learned today:
- Trucks with cranes on them are cool.
- Some people take convenience a little too far.
- Every day i try to return to normal, and every day i fall in love again.
- Communication is the most important part.
- A kiss is not just a kiss.
- Life is better when you're watching your trippy screen saver with your friends.
- Nachos rule, Monterey Jack rules, melt the latter over the former and PRESTO...instant heaven.

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