Tuesday, November 02, 2004


"These are the webs that we've weaved. I mean woven."

Yes, that was one of the more interesting parts of the day. Oh well, i never did claim I had good english. But that does sum up what the day was like. Very very random.

I've been thinking a lot about Vegas as I talk to other people about my experiences in sin city. I point out some of the interesting contradictions i noticed and most people shrug it off as if to say "Well of course, wasn't it obvious." Maybe it was obvious, but i marvel at having seen it in person. Something is always different when you experience it up close and personal. That's why, when it all comes down to it, watching porn will never be as good as having sex. (woah, it must be late if i'm using porn as a reference.)

Some things i learned today:
-Red hats look good on K-Rock
-Eating Wendy's before class is a lousy idea
-Sometimes I wish i was 30 and played billiards.
-It's cold enough to wear a jacket now.
-Sometimes an explanation wasn't worth the effort.
-Advice only makes sense if you take it.
-More than 2 colors in her hair doesn't make her sexy, everything else about her makes her sexy, the hair is just cool.
-Sometimes compliments get you into trouble, even when they're taken well.
-Staying up late is only worth it if you have something to do. Otherwise you wind up writing in your weblog at a ridiculous hour and it comes out poorly.

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