The flicker danced shadows around the room. I was enthralled, captivated by the simple perfection that sat there on the table in front of me. I was more enthralled, still, with the person that sat next to me on the couch. She did not take well the compliments that made there way from my mouth. She did not say as much as one would think.
We talked. She talked of the illusive figure she has so dreamt and written about as of late. Her eyes sparkled at the mention of his name. Her stories were told as though they had been run a million times in her mind. I was in awe of her passion. I was in awe of her awareness.
How deep does it all go? How far do we let ourselves fall? I've told people, i told her, that falling doesn't happen by choice. That the life we carry our hearts through every day doesn't allow for certain decisions to even be made by our ever-thinking, ever-analyzing minds. It just happens. It just is. John Lennon said it one way, Bob Dylan said it another. They were all talking about the same feeling. They were all there, where we are.
It's nice to know there are people with such intensity in the world. People aside from myself. People who, by nature, speak freely, and emote with their eyes, or their eyebrows or their smiles. I am one of those people. I worry that others don't exist sometimes. Then she shows up and I'm reminded again that I am not alone.
To say I'm a bit hopeful would be an understatement. I should be careful. I will be careful. Still, just as I said tonight, we can be careful all we want and our hearts will never listen. The candle light will flicker, the glow will illuminate her face, make her eyes twinkle. I'll sigh on the inside and try to hold on.
"Light shine down on me I am
Light shine down on me I am
Light shine down on me
I am a light."
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