Tuesday, May 10, 2005


You may notice that one change to the blog is the lack of what blogger calls the "Profile container". That's the spot that has my little icon and a couple of things about me. My name, my place of residence and a link to my blogger profile. In other words, stuff you don't click on very often. Which means it's worth it to rethink the priority there.

A friend recently turned me on to One.org. I'm not the activist type. Somehow though, this hits a chord with me. This is important. Just like the Lance Armstrong Foundation, they are doing the bracelet thing. And they are working for a worthy cause.

I don't want to hear about how the bracelet thing is a "fad". I'd gladly give these two organizations my money with no product to be had afterward. If I can show a little support and possibly make one other person aware, then I'm the activist I never was before.

Not sure why this hit me so hard tonight. I'm thinking of Benny I guess. I'm thinking of friends that have AIDS. I'm thinking of my dad's friends, some of whom didn't win the fight against AIDS and some of whom are still struggling. I'm thinking of my children. I'm thinking of the world I would want, do want for them.

I'm thinking of all those things. I may not drop everything and join the peace corps tomorrow, but my priorities just got a kick in the pants.

1 comment:

The Fuz said...

I've been thinking about checking this organization out for a while....and now your blog prompted me to do so. It really makes you think and it really makes you believe that you can make a difference. Thanks for making us more aware, especially when we can get caught up in our day to day lives....