Saturday, January 29, 2005


That's the word i'd use to define me right now. I'm sick. It sucks. It's some sort of cough/cold thing that I hope and pray does not turn into anything other than that. I'm taking all the vitamins and meds I can to keep it at bay. And i'm supposed to go away this weekend!! Dammit. I apologize for the lack of the poetic this evening. I'll try a little bit from here on out.

I was completely in my element this evening. The school is doing a project with a non-profit. We are filming a documentary and some TV commercials, as well as some radio spots. Tonight was the first pre-production meeting with the "client" and the "crew". The crew happens to be all former students. I'm very excited. Sitting there this evening, i remembered the things I love about this industry. I remembered the meetings i'd been in for other projects in the real world and i could sense the level of tension in the room. It was the realization that this was not class. That even though they were working on it with the school, it's the real deal. I tried to reiterate that as much as I could. I think i made my point a number of times. I'm excited. Could you tell?

Things I learned today(yesterday):
-I'm bad at being sick. I whine and worry.
- I'm a dirty boy. I think dirty. I need to watch that.
- Talking to her is dangerous. I like dangerous.

1 comment:

Carol Davidson said...

I've been blog surfing on a Friday night. I seriously need a life. At any rate, yours is the first one that caught my attention enough to want to read. Your style made me want to keep reading. So keep on writing!